Saturday 7 July 2012


Monday's rehearsal - Improv (Cody and Abby)

Improvisation is a great way to explore and develop a character. It also is very useful when establishing relationships between characters, creating a back story for them and imagining how they would interact off script.

This week, in Monday’s rehearsal, Ciaran and Zoe improvised a scene in which Cody and Abby are talking to each other. They begin to compare the differences between each other’s family and the struggles they are both forced to tackle living on the estate.

A touching scene developed as the characters related so openly and honestly with each other. Cody’s need to be accepted was paired with Abby’s desire to be loved and what resulted was an innocent picture of childhood friendship blossoming from somewhat desperate surroundings.

These characters are a warming element of the play, however don’t worry, I haven’t given too much away, there are plenty more twists and turns to this story.

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